Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grid Project

This project is about Grid system which is used widely in Graphic Design.

The project was done in 2 parts.

In the first part, we had to select an emotion. Then this emotion had to be depicted in a grid area of 18" x 24", through 3 colors.
Whereas in the second part, keeping in mind the color story that we had build in the previous part, we had to create the same story through typography.

The Emotion that i chose was Envy in which i had involved colors like green, blue and purple.

The color story evolves around the emotions that a human feel when he/she is surrounded by envy.
Envy bring jealousy and evil. It rip-aparts the peace of mind even when you want to stay calm. The peace of mind is calm in nature. But once you are bitten by the bug of jealousy, you just cannot be calm.
One fine line of calmness and peace is taken away and thrown out of the mind. The envy overcomes the sweetness and dilutes it. It forces you to become pessimist and ignore optimism. It leads you to the negative thoughts and even tries to mix your positive attitude with it.
This is how you react when envy overpowers your mind. Your thoughts are just not still. It wanders in different directions. It ignores the sweetness to concentrate on evil.
And finally pushes positive towards negative thoughts.

In order to depict this color story through the grid, i tried creating a pull inside it. I tried taking advantage of the sides of the grid to create a pulling sensation. The unstable flow of the boxes further adds to the instability of the emotion chosen. The initial grid composition did have the instability that i wanted to achieve but was nor clearly visible. Later i changed the placement of certain boxes which helped me to come up with the final design. 

The colors are light at the focal point (i.e.) lower left side of the grid. And as the color progresses towards the corners of the grid it becomes darker and darker. This color progression from light to dark shows how optimism changes into pessimism gradually.
The photographs were taken by concentrating only on  the colors that i wanted to achieve, rather than on the imagery of the pictures. Mostly images of fabric has been used which helped me in achieving the grades in a single color.

In the second part the same effect had to be created with the help of typography. 
The tweet was - From optimist to pessimist, from negative to positive, Life travels from end to end in search of and in pursuit of EVIL!!

The base of the my color story was that we are not able to concentrate on one thing and get carried away with the negative thoughts. By breaking the typography into single letters and placement of the same in random way helped me in achieving the same.
The typeface that i chose is straight but its random placement added to the effect that i wanted to create. The dramatic difference in the font size gives the feeling of being lost among the negative thoughts. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Rhythm & Grid

Some example where rhythm has been created with reference to grid.

This is an example of rhythm which has been created with repeated recurrence of a set of elements.

An unusual example of rhythm as seen from birds eye view.

Handmade Typography

Rhythm in life

What is the first thing that come to our mind when we hear Rhythm...???
It is music...

But we have never thought of how this rhythm is such an integral part of graphic design. In creating any design we knowingly or unknowingly incorporate this.

Our rhythm can be symmetric or asymmetric. In this post we will see some examples of both.

In these examples we can see hoe triangle has been used to create a symmetric image and a asymmetric image.

For idea behind this imagery please go to -

Monday, September 24, 2012

Can you find the object?

Leta have a look at some examples below....try to find out the objects in the picture after having a look at the negative space....

Can you guess the object????

For answers and more of these please go to the following link:

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tile patterns

One of the industry which widely uses the grid system for creating patterns is Tile Industry.
Following are some of the examples to illustrate the same.


Grid system is highly used in Tessellating patterns. It is the best way of getting a proper tessellation.

Another way of creating pattern using grid in tessellation

Animal Alphabets

Amazing example in which typography, figure/ground, grid and colors have been used together.


What is a grid?

We often come across this term but very few of us know what do we mean by grid system. In layman's language it is nothing but intersection of rows and columns on a given surface which helps in arranging different objects on that surface.
It is mainly used in newspapers and magazines layout. It helps in achieving a consistency in a layout.

Here we will see few examples of grid layout from simple to complex.

Following is an example of a website design where grid has been used but in a different manner.

Another beautiful example of grid in which the single image has been used and grid has been created to come up with the following output.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Palette for a nursery

A beautiful example of color mixing...

A perfect color mixing which is perfect for both gal and boy. With lots of bright colors and multiple patterns , this color scheme is perfect for an eclectic room the children will love! 

A fun color scheme for a shared room. Imagine pops of bright pink for a gal , and bright orange for a boy. Any of the other shades could b used throughout the room to create a uniform look. 

Fresh and clean look. These airy colors create a look of clean lines and refined taste.

For more on these color schemes for a nursery:


What are colors?
If we go by the dictionary definition , then colors are different light wavelengths as reflected into and perceived and interpreted by the eye and the brain.  This is the definition given to color by science.

It is the visual perception which our eyes see and perceive according to the spectrum of light.
Color play a very important ro;e in any graphic as a single color can change the whole look of an object. Even if we have same object in to different colors, we might perceive it in different manner.

Colors are used in every strata of life....We see it in everything from a safety pin to a hairbrush....from a Bicycle to a Train....
So practically color is everywhere.

There are mainly 3 primary colors i.e. Red , Blue, Green.
Following is the color wheel on which it is quiet visible how the colors mix and create another color.

Color Wheel
Primary colors ( Red, Blue, Yellow)

The colors are further divided into tertiary colors. These are the colors that are made by mixing any two
secondary colors.

There are also terms such as complimentary colors and analogous colors. 
Complimentary colors are those colors which are on the opposite side in a color wheel.

Analogous colors are those colors which are located close together on a color wheel.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project - Colors

Colors are the integral part of any design. In this project the typography and figure/ground relation has been combined with color exploration to come up with different versions of same design.


Color name - Emporio blue
Item on sale - Men's formal wear

Color name - Submerged blue
Item on sale - Kid's wear

Color name - Dive-in blue
Item on sale - Swim wear


Color name - Fuscia red & Pastoral blue
Item on same - Stationary Items

Color name - Simmer blue & Candy blue
Item on sale - Candies or toys

Color name - Hush blue & bucolic green
Item on same - Eco friendly furnishings


Color name - Autumn orange, Tawny tusk yellow & Eclectic blue
Item on same - Costume jewellery

Color name - Teasing orange, Vivacious pink & Solemn blue
Item on same - Cosmetics

Color name - Pottery brown, Volcanic red & Midnite blue
Item on sale - Shoes

The color I chose for this project is Blue. Blue is always the coolest color, the color of sky, the color of twilight and many other beautiful things. For me it is a very calming color and a symbol of purity.

In this process of exploring different possibilities of blue color i have come across a range of colors. Though the blue color is calm and tranquil, its pairing with different colors changes its perception. I got to understand that the same color when changes its tint and shade gives a different feel. Also when a very bright color is added to the calm and peaceful color it changes the entire perception. For example in case of Teasing orange and vivacious pink, the cool nature of the blue color is not seen at all.
Also though we generally consider blue to be associated with water and sky, its combination with other colors changes its association to be with a wide variety of products and articles.

The whole project was mainly focused on the combination of colors with different complimentary, analogous and neutral pairs. This project has allowed me to explore the infinite range of colors which i had never even thought of. Also every visual presentation has a figure ground relation. Therefore a color plays an important role in it. This relationship between figure and ground is more visible if there is contrast which can be created with the help of colors. Another important thing that was observed in this project was that when two opposite colors are placed with each other in close proximity, the figure tend to vibrate or cast a shadow. In this care the viewer has to squint their eyes to see it properly.

In my design there is a strong presence of typeface. But the same is sometimes not seen in certain color combinations where tints and shades within the same hue family is reduced. This tends to merge the figure and ground and the clear distinction is not there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Figure /Ground is mainly related to the negative and positive space that is found in any 2D design. In almost every Graphic we find a negative space and a positive space. The play between these spaces let varies from picture to picture.

The following are some of the good examples of Figure/Ground.

This is one of the complicated Figure / Ground example by Nikita Prokhorov. There has been a very good role of typography in this.

Another example of Figure/Ground in which the numeric 1 is visible due to the placement and use of positive space.

In the following example, the advertisement has used the 3D Figure /  ground relation very carefully. The ground has been converted into the figure in literal sense besides the figure has been taken of that of a women.